Friday, May 14, 2010

Lessons (Re)Learned

Two weeks after casting on, I'm still ripping knitting away at Liesl. Given how much time I've spent on it, I should have finished it a week or more ago, but I broke a couple of cardinal knitting rules (read: made stupid mistakes) along the way and have had to do the penance.

(Still) Knitting Liesl

First, I fancied myself better than the humble gauge swatch. Now I know just how important swatching is, but I figured that the lace pattern would be stretchy and forgiving. So why bother? Well, nine or so inches in, I realized that there was no way that it ever would button in the front. So, I ripped out what turned out to be the biggest swatch of my knitting career. (That's exactly why bother.)

Not to be disheartened, I went up a needle size, started again, and was feeling rather smug about the whole thing. The gauge was spot on, and it was flying off the needles. Then, halfway down the body, I reached end of a row and had three stitches left over.

When I went back and read the lace, I realized that I had royally messed up two repeats (eight rows) back. Because I was too smug or too lazy, I didn't bother to place markers after each repeat. I had a heck of a time running a lifeline above the mistake, and long story short, it was ultimately easier (and probably faster) to rip the whole darn thing out and start fresh.

So, I started once again with the correct needles and placed stitch markers between each and every repeat. I will finish this sweater yet! I'm finally halfway through the first sleeve and am optimistic that the third time's going to be the charm. With any luck, I'll have a finished sweater to share soon.


  1. That swatch thing really does suck, but it must be done.

    Good for you for sticking with it.

  2. Oh no! Looking forward to the sweater.
